Sunday 8 January 2012


oh dear, missed out on uploading my christmas photo's, Kealys Ann Summers Party + Birtthday, Christmas Day, Rendevouzsing with the Familyyy, it was a crazy end to the year, so much drama, but I am hopeful that the new year will not disappoint when it comes to recovery, health and wealth. As this year will be the big one for me and my family and lots of other students like me heading off to university in september! A new chapter in my book - convinced! and also it will be my 18th birthday in exactly 3 wks, 6 days from now woo! yet i still have no plans, really seriously need to focus on this backlog of coursework, currently trying to write a 1000 word newspaper article to perfection, needs completing today (which doesn;t sound like many words, but when you have to extract tonnes of information, whilst using magazine article conventions, developing a voice as the article writer ect ect, whilst all relating to the short story (by Ian McEwan - Homemade, which is about a young girl's paedophilic brother who rapes her aged 14 when she is just 10, it is quite disturbing!) AND THEN just the idea of having to think about the 1000 word commentary which follows the article and the mass amounts of revision for my retake subjects and alevel subject over this week and next -URGH!) Life is currently a blur with my birthday being joint last with stripping this chipped nail polish off my fingers - yuk! Today it is Sunday, and I am behind, Majorly, was just going to update or backdate whichever the blog with some of my Christmas 2011 half celebrated Christmas, and would like to say thankyou to all the family and friends I care about and prehaps did not get to see this festive period, also thankyou to papa for cooking the turkey to perfection and Joe for being as annoying as usual, whilst mum worked the day shift
 Wishing you all a happy New Year ! xxxxx


  1. look like you had so much fun!

    1. Oh gosh yeahh, its been eventful im looking forward to more memories
      this year :)
